Practical information

  • Trademark Agent, Canada | Since 2020
  • B., Bachelor of Laws by Equivalency, Université de Montréal | 2015
  • M., Master of Laws in Intellectual Property Law – Design Law, Université de Lyon, France | 2011
  • E.S.S., Master 1 in Business Law, Université de Strasbourg, France | 2010
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Private Law, Université de Bourgogne, France | 2009
Professional affiliations
  • Member of the International Literary and Artistic Association (ALAI) – Canada | Since 2024
  • Member of the Young Bar Association of Montreal | Since 2016
  • Member of the Quebec Association of trademarks practitioners (RPM) (Quebec) | Since 2015
  • Member of the French Association of trademark and design Practitioners (APRAM), France | Since 2019
  • Participation in the annual meetings of the International Trademark Association (INTA)
  • Recognized in “Ones to Watch” by Best Lawyers in the category Intellectual Property Law | 2024
Conferences and publications
  • Master’s thesis in Intellectual Property & Design Law dedicated to “French Wine, Between Tradition, Modernity, and the New World“, with honors.

Camille Miconnet