Practical information

  • LL.B., Bachelor of Laws, University of Montreal | 2016
  • Student exchange session in Australia in the completion of the Bachelor of Laws, University of Adelaide | 2015
  • Certificate of Introduction to Chinese International Law, China University of Political Science and Law | 2014
  • Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Political Science and Middle East Studies, McGill University | 2012
Social implication
  • Canadian Bar Association, Young Lawyers Section: Former Executive Member.
  • Pro Bono Québec: Research project for CODVA (Comité des Orphelins Duplessis Victimes d’Abus) on the confidentiality of adoption files in Quebec.
  • Participation in the annual fashion show of the Faculty of Law, Université de Montréal.
  • Willem C. Vis International Arbitration Moot, Vienna, Austria: Moot court competition involving the drafting of a statement of claim and a statement of defence in international commercial law and presentation of the pleadings.
  • Shamal McGill, the Voice of North Africa: A group for discussion and cultural exchange about the North African region.
  • Montreal Children’s Hospital Association of McGill University, Executive Member: External affairs – Organizing fundraising events and campaigns.

Malia Mediouni